by John O. Burdett | Jul 7, 2022 | Leadership, News, Succession, TRANSEARCH International
The engine that moved the developed world from poverty at the beginning of the centuryto the extraordinary standard of living we currently enjoy was the so-called “modernorganization.” Hierarchical, control-dominated and ideally suited to a slowly unfoldingworld...
by John O. Burdett | Jun 24, 2022 | Leadership, News, TRANSEARCH International
Few companies teach facilitation as part of their leadership development agenda. And yet, if we want collaboration, if we want to grow teams, if we want to challenge talent in a meaningful way … being able to get the best out of meeting of minds becomes pretty...
by John O. Burdett | Mar 18, 2022 | Leadership, News, TRANSEARCH International
In John O. Burdett’s latest article he poses some interesting questions in a time when reflection and introspection are constant companions. Questions such as “What does it really mean to be a leader?” and “Do I possess the leadership capability the team needs in the...
by John O. Burdett | May 1, 2021 | Culture, Leadership, News, TRANSEARCH International
Occasionally, something enters the public discourse that represents a unique teaching moment. The turbulent events in April 2021, focusing on the English Premier League, provided such an opportunity. What we witnessed was an unforgettable series of actions that opened...