by John O. Burdett | Apr 17, 2023 | News, TRANSEARCH International
The primacy of culture is hard to ignore. It lies at the very heart of competitive advantage. You know when you have a great culture. Over the past decade there has been a heightened interest in organisation culture. Indeed, the primacy of culture is hard to ignore....
by John O. Burdett | Feb 28, 2023 | Leadership, News, TRANSEARCH International
Things are happening so fast that our language hasn’t caught up. Things are evolving so quickly that our emerging concept of what it means to be a leader hasn’t caught up either. An Entirely New Way to Think About Work When your office space is outsourced, when your...
by John O. Burdett | Dec 8, 2022 | Leadership, News, TRANSEARCH International
No doubt your organisation has faced significant challenges in the past. If you are not working to reinvent yourself, the market/competition will (painfully) do it for you. The Rate of Change Is Getting Faster The world is getting faster, more turbulent and, to a...
by John O. Burdett | Sep 28, 2022 | Culture, News, TRANSEARCH International
Change the context and you change the game. And if it changes for one, it changes for everyone. Even if you are determined to think and act as you always have – tomorrow will be different. Faced with the need for speed, agility and the ability to attract and retain...
by John O. Burdett | Jul 15, 2022 | Attraction and Retention, Culture, News, TRANSEARCH International
Now is the Winter of Our Discontent When Shakespeare wrote “Now is the winter of our discontent” little did he know that, more than 500 years later, he would be describing the world of work. Employees have been voting with their feet. Walking away from jobs by the...