An organisation where disruption, agility and speed of learning dominate the leadership conversation – one that redefines what it means to be a leader – demands a more robust process to identify and develop future leaders.
Is your organisation’s succession process as effective as it needs to be?
The 20th century was a hinge in history. It opened with the horse and cart and closed with jet travel. We accumulated more knowledge, gained greater progress, and introduced more innovation than at any other period in history. We also did more damage to the planet than all those who had gone before had done collectively.
The engine that moved the developed world from poverty at the beginning of the century to the extraordinary standard of living we currently enjoy was the so-called ‘modern organisation.’ Hierarchical, control-dominated, and ideally suited to a slowly unfolding world (built to last) it may have been, but it created unprecedented wealth.
Breakthrough technology, uncertainty, the increasing speed of change and the redefinition of ‘work’ demand an organisation that is a fit for the 21st century (built to change). We are describing not just a better but a very different kind of way to operate. An organisation where disruption, agility and speed of learning dominate the leadership conversation – one that redefines what it means to be a leader – one that demands a more robust process to identify and develop future leaders.
We refer to it as ‘succession planning.’ A better description would be ‘planning for success.’ There are a good many issues that can derail a successful business. None, however, contain the potency for failure as having the wrong leader in the wrong role at the wrong time.
The challenge? A major research project conducted by the Association for Talent Development, reported that only 35% of those organisations studied had a formalised succession planning process. Even more concerning, only 14% thought that their process was highly effective.
All this begs the question – Is your organisation’s succession process as effective as it needs to be?
Leading the webinar is John O. Burdett, who has worked in over 40 countries as an executive and as a consultant for businesses that are household names. He has worked on, and continues to work on, leadership development and organisation culture, for some of the world’s largest corporations.

John O. Burdett is founder of Orxestra® Inc. He has extensive international experience as a senior executive. As a consultant he has worked in more than 40 countries for organisations that are household names. John has worked on organisation culture for some of the world’s largest organisations. His ongoing partnership with TRANSEARCH International means that his thought leading intellectual property, in any one year, supports talent management in many hundreds of organisations around the world.