There comes a time in the history of every global company when its executive leaders wish they had seen something coming.
It might have been a warning about potential trouble ahead. It could have taken the form of a complaint from a customer, employee or business partner. And it may have sounded like something trivial the first time it surfaced, only to expand in impact and create unforeseen challenges.
Whatever the case, particularly when red flags escalate into a full-blown crisis, hindsight always serves up important management insights and, occasionally, even some humble pie. In the best of cases, hard lessons are learned and leaders evolve. In the worst, people can get hurt, reputations can be damaged and profits can really get squeezed.
This is why it is important never to underestimate the value of the corporate compliance function.

TRANSEARCH International is one of the leading executive search organisations in the world. Headquartered in Europe, we have representation in The Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa. Our global presence allows us to service companies around the world – covering all the major industry sectors. For over 40 years TRANSEARCH International has, as passionate experts in the executive search and leadership consulting industry, built leadership teams for our clients.