If you’ve been a manager for some time now, you’re probably ready to take on more responsibilities, new challenges, and of course, a larger salary. A study done by the Sociology of Health and Illness found that middle management professionals experience anxiety or depression at rates that are nearly doubled when compared to all workers. Being an outstanding middle manager can often make someone non-promotable because organizational leaders risk putting the team in the hands of a less experienced manager. In the following paragraphs, you’ll discover tips on how to break out of middle management and successfully climb the ladder into more executive-level roles. It all starts with a change in mindset.

Since 1959, the Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (AESC) has set the quality standard for the executive search and leadership consulting profession. Its members are the leaders in executive talent and leadership advisory solutions. AESC facilitates diverse and innovative thinking in global leadership. World-class executive search and leadership consulting firms join AESC to demonstrate their deep commitment to the quality standard AESC represents and to shape the future of the profession. Business leaders worldwide retain AESC members as trusted advisors to minimize risk and gain competitive advantage in their industries.
The BlueSteps Career Management Blog is written with a C-level audience in mind on career management topics ranging from executive compensation, executive resumes, and interview tips to networking, executive job search, and gaining visibility as a professional in one’s industry. The BlueSteps Executive Search Blog links senior executive candidates to actual retained search recruitment insights from AESC member executive recruiters, BlueSteps career advisors and other guest writers.