In John O. Burdett’s latest article he poses some interesting questions in a time when reflection and introspection are constant companions. Questions such as “What does it really mean to be a leader?” and “Do I possess the leadership capability the team needs in the future?”.
“As you think about these troubled times, we would ask you to reflect on the language of leadership. In particular, a word that is currently very much on our mind, ‘courage’. Change the context and you change the meaning of a word. In the midst of today’s business turmoil, leadership is clearly not about life or death. It does demand courage, however.”

John O. Burdett is founder of Orxestra® Inc. He has extensive international experience as a senior executive. As a consultant he has worked in more than 40 countries for organisations that are household names. John has worked on organisation culture for some of the world’s largest organisations. His ongoing partnership with TRANSEARCH International means that his thought leading intellectual property, in any one year, supports talent management in many hundreds of organisations around the world.