John O. Burdett’s article “Are You a Humpty Dumpty Manager?” leverages the Humpty Dumpty metaphor to examine the precarious state of management in the face of change. It warns managers about the dangers of not evolving with the times, citing issues such as a reluctance to adapt, neglect of continuous learning, and underestimating the significance of culture and emerging technology like AI.
The piece encourages self-assessment against common leadership failings and argues for the adoption of a progressive, learning-oriented mindset to avoid becoming obsolete. John concludes with the stark reminder that not adapting may result in a fall from which one cannot recover, urging managers to act before it’s too late.
Download the thought piece here

John O. Burdett is founder of Orxestra® Inc. He has extensive international experience as a senior executive. As a consultant he has worked in more than 40 countries for organisations that are household names. John has worked on organisation culture for some of the world’s largest organisations. His ongoing partnership with TRANSEARCH International means that his thought leading intellectual property, in any one year, supports talent management in many hundreds of organisations around the world.