You’ve been waiting anxiously and the promised job offer has finally arrived. The position is a significant step up – the organisation, a leader in its field. The new role is a stretch but everything about the hiring process confirmed that you are ready. Failure is not an option. To fall short with such a high profile organisation would be a serious career setback. Although the agreed starting date is several weeks out, time is short. How do you prepare? How do you manage the risk moving into a new executive position? How do you make sure that you are ready for day one?

The following suggestions will help you answer those questions:

  1. Involve the family – the support of your family and closest friends is invaluable, so share your excitement about the opportunity
  2. Research the organisation’s history, key players and culture
  3. Reflect on what old habits you could let go of, what you need to start and stop doing
  4. Develop a beginner’s mind – be inquisitive and ask lots of questions from day one
  5. Rehearse your story and be prepared to provide your new team with some insights about you
  6. Build trust early by being transparent, sharing your personal values, being respectful and understanding
  7. Thank those who assisted you secure the role, including your referees

When the time comes to depart your current role, you should have already completed a handover and be leaving the organisation in good order. If appropriate, consider your spouse or partner’s work situation and any family commitments – you may be able to take a short vacation, which is a great opportunity to clear your head before you start your new job. Mentally rehearse the integration steps that lie ahead… believe in yourself, anticipate the potential twists in the road, involve a mentor, and know how to make the most of what you excel at.

The aforementioned suggestions (and others) from Before You Land have been crafted by leading leadership and talent management author Dr John O. Burdett as part of the Orxestra® methodology, which is exclusive to TRANSEARCH International.  Our executive search process also incorporates John Burdett’s Without Breaking Stride, an executive onboarding and integration workbook.

Finally, look forward to a happy landing. Everyone invested in your appointment wants you to be successful, you’re primed to win!

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