Organisational Development Services
TRANSEARCH Organisational Development Services
Organisational Development is the practice of unlocking and harnessing the potential of people and organisations.
We lead programs to empower your leaders and employees, enforce, shift, change or inspire cultural reform, manage change practically and effectively and ensure that your workforce is engaged, utilised and working as one.

Coaching of all levels of employees (frontline to executive) for purposes of:
- Performance
- Development
- Specific skills
- An agenda
- Addressing derailers
- Psychological appraisal and debriefing
- CEO and other executive performance reviews
- Outplacement and career transition
- Career guidance and development

Team dynamics workshops (incorporating psychological appraisal) for all groups of staff (frontline to executive) including:
- High performing teams
- Teams requiring development/improvement
- Teams experiencing conflict

Provision of pragmatic and in-depth advice to Boards including:
- Analysis and recruitment of talent
- Evaluation
- Creation or development of systems and processes e.g. board minutes and meeting management
- Member dynamics
- Governance including evaluation of charters
- Succession planning
- Committee structures and functioning
- Conflict resolution
- Strategic planning
- Board culture

Design and facilitation of workshops focussing on specific topics including:
- Leadership
- High performance
- Challenging conversations
- Managing bullying and harassment
- Appraising and managing performance
- Creativity and innovative thinking skills
- Public speaking and presentation skills
- Selling and networking skills
- Understanding own and others’ psychology to work better together
- Self- and other- awareness
- Emotional intelligence
- Habits and routines for powerful performance
- Communication skills
- Understanding habitual thinking and behaviours and how they affect performance
- Stress management: including neuropsychology of stress
“I have had the pleasure of working with Bill Sakellaris since 2009 and found him to be a trusted advisor providing professional executive recruitment and organisational development services… I have subsequently briefed Bill on many recruitment assignments for senior executives. The quality and diversity of candidates has always been impressive. The recruitment process undertaken by Bill has been professional, organised, timely, honest, flexible, insightful and consultative at every stage. I would have no hesitation in using Bill’s services again and would highly recommend him for senior executive recruitment across a broad industry base.”
TRANSEARCH Organisational Development Services for Organisations
Typical outcomes of our programs will be improved efficiency, better working relationships and culture, empowering your team with greater control over how they do their jobs, and achieving a greater sense of purpose and relevance in an ever changing working world.
For some of our clients, our programs act as a finger on the pulse or health check and for others, we genuinely transform the entire way they do business.
The following programs are tailored to organisations…

Organisations: Cultural
Analysis, improvement and/or change of culture through:
- Organisational culture and climate surveys
- Focus groups
- Why/how/what (vision/mission/values) discussions
- Communication processes
- We Need To Talk ® challenging conversations training
- Change management

Organisations: Structural
Provision of HR management support including the development and/or evaluation and improvement of:
- Overall departmental, team and talent structures
- Position descriptions
- Policies, systems and processes
- Recruitment/interviewing/onboarding – training
- Remuneration and benefits
- Performance management
- Training
- Succession planning
- Exit survey design and facilitation
- Change management
- Meetings management and conduct

Organisations: Performance
Enhancement of organisational performance through:
- Productivity and efficiency reviews
- Leadership and high-performance courses/workshops
- Performance appraisal: design of, and training in systems; training in conducting performance appraisal
- Talent analysis and recruitment
- We Need To Talk ® challenging conversations training
- Change management
- Performance

Organisations: Wellbeing
Design and delivery of rigorous and practical interventions including:
- Propel ® resilience program
- Mental health and wellbeing systems and processes
- Mental health and wellbeing workshops
- Managing challenging customers workshops
To find out more about TRANSEARCH Australia’s Organisational Development Services offered in partnership with Stillwell Management Consultants, contact your TRANSEARCH Consultant or complete the form below.